
12 Best Foods For Cichlids Reviews in 2020

Fish can eat at any time and consume as much as they can when in the wild the instance will not be exactly the same in a confined space as in an aquarium. As an aquarium operator, it is your responsibility to make sure your friends are fed and that you need to be able…

10 Best Foods For Corydoras Reviews in 2020

From the keepers, it is fair to treat them and ensure that they live healthy and happy lives in the aquarium. One of the best ways to reach them would be to feed them types of food and feed them with quantity. So this just goes to show how important it is to buy the…

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About Me

MemFish is a locally owned and operated aquarium store. We carry a wide variety of freshwater fish, saltwater fish, corals, live plants, and live rock along with the best selection of drygoods in the mid-south. We only carry products that we use here in the store or at home. That means we believe in the products we sell and have experience using them. We can special order livestock and drygoods – so if you don’t see what you’re looking for, ask us to special order it for you.

MemFish is always striving to be environmentally friendly. We carry only Real Reef Live Rock. This product is man made and has no impact on the oceans of the world. It also has incredible shapes and colors. What it doesn’t have is the pests that come in on naturally collected live rock. You won’t find aiptasia, majano, gorilla crabs, or mantis shrimp on this rock.

In addition to live rock, we carry aquacultured livestock when it is available. That includes clownfish, gobies, mandarins, corals, peppermint shrimp, and clams to name a few.

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